SIU – Società Italiana di Urologia
Scopri EchoLaser SoracteLite al 95° Congresso Nazionale del SIU a Riccione!
L’innovativo trattamento transperineale e microinvasivo per l’IPB!
ModìLite arriva a Caltanissetta
#ModìLite: una delle applicazioni di #EchoLaser. Arriva adesso in #Sicilia al Sant’Elia l’unico trattamento #microinvasivo di #termoablazione #laser dei #nodulitiroidei.
ModìLite: FULL Interview with Becki
Becki underwent ModìLite (percutaneous laser ablation) treatment to shrink her largest thyroid nodule. ModìLite shrinks thyroid nodules without surgery. It is a micro-invasive, heat based treatment. Thanks to this procedure Becki was able to save her thyroid and preserve its natural function.
Discover her interview through the link below: